With this being the first day working on our new brief, there were many ideas going on in the initial development of the project.
Many different responses initially came up, from animated caricatures roaming around the real world getting in touch with people (providing a positive social aspect to technology) to flat posters with literal illustrated walls of technology separating people (obviously highlighting a negative)
I eventually distanced myself from these ideas, as they felt massively simple, not only in terms of their concept but also their execution, and wanted to try some new techniques and present the work in a radically new way, which the tutors (Both Jay and Johnny) agreed with and supported whole heartedly.
This lead onto ways to hide an image within another image, first just overlaying an image over the top in Photoshop, then by literally hiding with it with UV or Glow in the Dark inks.
After having the concept a little fleshed out, Johnny suggested, rather than buying £70 UV ink cartridges, having a stencil cut and using paints over a printed image, as well as discussing in greater detail the types of people that could be used as 'case studies' for the projects, such as intense gamblers and cyberbullies, and bringing light to the very serious issue of internet addictions.
Jay reflected a lot of what Johnny said, but also suggested that instead of using made up people to highlight extreme cases of divergent personalities on the internet, using people on campus and asking them questions on their online habits, and using them instead. This would add a whole lot more legitimacy and authenticity to my work, but could make the separate pieces less interesting as I doubt I'd get as wildly interesting answers.
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