Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Theory As Practice (30th September)

Theory as Practice, above all else, represents our ability to research, to ask meaningful questions and come to a conclusion regarding them.

Research is  process, of asking questions, and then answering them.

When taking on a research project, it is important to consider 3 key elements, to be able to answer a fourth.
What? The theme of your research, the subject that you want to focus on what it is that you create and what you want to create it on.
Why? The context of your project. Why you want to persue this subject and investigation, and how it relates to you.
How? The approach you'll take, How you will be creating your project, what methods you will need and the tools that will help you acomplish it.

Ultimately, this will help you answer What it is you acomplished with the project, what the outcomes were and how this has both impacted you and the medium you were working in.

This method of research and creating project also works when applied in reverse, and helps with disecting projects that have already been created and understand the goals behind a project, as well as the motivations to create it in the first place.
I aim to use this process to disect the medium of, and advertising surrounding, comics and graphic novels, and how their audiences and messages have altered throughout the years and how, ulimately, this has had a huge impact on the content within comics itself.

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